Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Part Of Speech (Jenis Kata)

 1.NOUN (KATA BENDA) Ex: home , horse, people, student, table, teacher, and etc.
 2.PRONOUN (KATA GANTI) Ex: it, that, this, those, these and etc
 3.VERB (KATA KERJA) Ex: walk, sleep, say, cry, bring, laugh, go and etc
 4.ADJECTIVE (KATA KERJA) Ex: good, bad, diligent, lazy, clever, stupid, and etc
 5.ADVERB (KATA KETERANGAN) Ex: easily, currently, well, and etc]
 6.PREPOSITION (KATA DEPAN) Ex: on, in, at, near, to, about, with, and etc
 7.CONJUNCTION (KATA SAMBUNG) Ex: and, because, if, so, however, that, and etc
8.INTERJECTION (KATA SERU) Ex: hello!, oh! , oh my God! , shut up! , well! , and etc

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